Florence, Italy: Michelangelo, the Duomo and So Much More!


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A pearl on the cultural necklace, Florence, Italy sparkles with it’s amazing art, fabulous cuisine, jaw-dropping architecture and famous figures from history. The capital city of the Tuscany region of Italy, Florence is a treasure chest encased in ancient walls for guarding magnificent artwork and architecture.


Awe-Inspiring Art and Architecture

Touted as the birthplace of the Renaissance art movement, Florence is home to the dome structure erected just after the fall of the Roman Empire, the Florence Cathedral Santa Maria del Fiore, also known as the “Duomo,” or Brunelleschi’s dome. And that’s just the beginning of the wondrous things you’ll discover in Florence.

The structures throughout Florence are works of art as well, so make a day of walking along the city and perusing buildings designed by Renaissance artists like Giotti, Brunellescho, Michelango and many others.


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Things to See and Do

Remaining open until ten o’clock in the evening at certain times of the year due to its immense appeal, the Uffizi Gallery is one of the busiest venues in the entire city of Florence. The lines to get in are long so get there early. The same applies to the Galleria dell’ Accademia which houses Michelangelo’s David. It’s a bit pricey to buy a ticket in advance but well worth it when you see the long lines you’ve missed.

Besides the numerous traditional tours there are many things to explore like the Secret Paths located inside the Orsanmichele church. Expect to purchase tickets to enter most of Florence’s churches although the Duomo is free. The Belltower, the Dome and the Baptistery all sell tickets.


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Dining at Its Finest

Visiting Florence also means enjoying the locally-produced artisan products like crunchy Tuscan bread, numerous varieties of wine and rich, earthy olive oil. A virtual tasting adventure awaits vacationers discovering the rich flavors of the region, trying a few of the local homemade dishes at restaurants owned for generations and pairing it with a vast list of famous Tuscan wines. The region is home to some of the most prestigious wines in the world including Chianti Classico Riservas and Super Tuscans, which are competitively priced in Florence so have a sip, take in the view and enjoy!


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