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If you find a lower price after taxes, we will refund 110% of the difference*.
*After booking a trip, if you find a cheaper price online, simply submit a claim within 24 hours from booking. We will match and refund you 110% of the difference. Terms and conditions apply.
(Price sampled on 7/2/15 for 11/17/15)
Because these public sites can only offer a“retail” price that is provided by each hotel to assure a consistent price under a practice called “rate parity.” Hotel chains do not want public sites to undercut their published rates. Because Travel Set Go is a “members only” travel agency, it is able to offer wholesale rates because they are not subject to “rate parity”.
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Abu Simbel, featuring two massive rock-cut temples commissioned by Ramesses II in the 13th century BCE, ranks among Egypt’s most awe-inspiring monuments. The site’s remote location, 180 miles south of Aswan, requires careful planning but rewards visitors with an unforgettable … Continued
Singapore, often referred to as the “Lion City,” is a vibrant melting pot of cultures, offering a unique blend of modernity and tradition. As you stroll through its bustling streets, you’ll encounter a rich tapestry of influences from Chinese, Malay, … Continued
Redang Island, located off the east coast of Malaysia, is often heralded as a tropical paradise, attracting travelers with its stunning natural beauty and vibrant marine life. The island boasts crystal-clear waters and powdery white sandy beaches, making it an … Continued